Donnerstag, 26. November 2015

Audio Session with Paula

Last wednesday Cassie, Sophie, Kayleigh, Alex and I had an audio session with Paula.
Personally for me it was really helpful because I honestly need to say that I was a bit confused by reading the "Reader 3 - Networked Professional". I think the problem was that in the "Reader" there are so many facts and information and sometimes also words that I did not understand.

I made a journal entry from this session with Paula, and I thought I will share it with you. I have created a mind map and I think it covers nearly everything we have talked about in this session. (I hope you can read it!)

My favourite question from this "Reader" is:

Why is affiliation, friendship and love so important for us?

Because we are social creatures, human beings and we love to spend time with other people -> to swap information, to interact with each other.

In the article from Crisp, Richard J. & Turner and Rhiannon it says "Teenagers were happier and more excited when in the company of others than alone. A lack of affiliation may have a negative impact." = helps us to survive!

"If we have too little contact, we feel isolated and if we have too much contact, we feel crowded."

Montag, 16. November 2015

Task 2c: Reflective Theory

When I was reading the "Reader 2 - Reflective Practice" I found it helpful to highlight the most important ideas. I am a visual learner, so it makes things easier for me when I use colour, otherwise there are just thousands of words and I probably wouldn't remember anything. I also wrote the most important quotes or sentences down, which helps me to actually write something about it.

David Kolb

It was very interesting for me to read that there are various modes of learning new things. Obviously I knew that there are the "visual", "auditory", "communicative" and "kinaesthetic" learners but Kolb's "Learning Cycle of Experiential Learning" was new to me.

  • Concrete Experience: learners do or experience something
  • Reflective Observation: new experience - learners watch others doing something
  • Abstract Conceptualization: learners deal with a new idea - "work it out in their head first"
  • Active Experimentation: learners start to try out ideas

"Kolb's learning cycle is a tool for reflection on how you learn and a tool for approaching experience." (Reader 2)

In my opinion I fall into the category of "Concrete Experience"; for example, in learning a dance routine it's always easier for me when I watch the teacher first, then immediately my brain engages in it and I am involved in the concrete experience. I am very happy with that talent, because especially in an audition it is very important to learn the choreography as quickly as possible.

Howard Gardner

I found a really good website about Howard Gardner's life and it is very interesting. 
On the website it also says: "Howard Gardner viewed intelligence as 'the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings'. (Gardner & Hatch, 1989)"

Gardner introduced seven different intelligences:
  • Spatial: involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more reduced areas
  • Verbal-linguistic: involves the ability to learn languages and to use language to express oneself rhetorically and poetically
  • Logical-mathematical: involves to think logically and it's most associated with scientific and mathematical thinking
  • Bodily-kinaesthetic: involves to use the body to solve problems and is related to mental and physical activities
  • Musical: involves the skill in the performance, composition and appreciation of musical patterns
  • Interpersonal: involves the understanding of motivations and desires of other people; allows people to work effectively with others
  • Intrapersonal: involves the understanding of ourselves and relates to one's emotional life

There are so many people out there who you can't compare with each other! Every person is different and everyone has different talents. Most learners are a mix of learning styles.
It seems to me that "bodily-kinaesthetic" and "musical" are my two intelligence. They probably are the most common ones among the participants in this course because we are mostly dancers or/and musicians.
Especially “bodily-kinaesthetic” seems really easy to identify because first I have been dancing since I was four years old and second I have been trained in that.

Donald Schön

He introduced the idea of "reflection-in-action" and "reflection-on-action".

  • Reflection-in-action: it can happen while you are in the middle of something, for example if you are dancing and something's not working you can change the steps while you are moving
  • Reflection-on-action: it can happen when you are looking back on something - you experienced in the past

Reflection-in-action would appear to be more important or useful for dancers / performers because it allows you to change a step or move while you are dancing. Rather than looking back on it, which would be kind of pointless for a dancer because then it would be too late to change anything. I think it is always better to change something on the spot, so we can actually remember the step.

Taking up Schön's idea, Robert Kottcamp likens reflection-in-action to 'on-line' and reflection-on-action to 'off-line'. Kottcamp says that the on-line situation means you are in the middle of an on-going action and in an off-line moment - when it is a past event - you can analyse things.

It is basically the same notion as Schön's idea, using different terminology.

Kottcamp also says that reflection-in-action is harder to achieve but that might be because he is used to reflecting back on something. For me as a professional dancer reflection-in-action seems easier because in the course of my training I was encouraged to change steps or movements on the spot.

I think for most people routine or repeated activities make things easier.

I would like to add a few important items which I copied down from the Reader 2 handbook.

  • The process of 'learning from experience' is a process of turning information into knowledge.
I totally agree with this statement because I think every day you can learn something new. And I also think you can only learn from something when you experienced it, which then becomes new knowledge.
I have a really good example: If you tell a small child not to touch a hot plate s/he will probably  not listen because s/he does not know why. So it is most likely that this child needs to first experience 'the hot plate' because then the child's brain associates the hot plate with danger.

  • Reflection is a key tool for understanding and learning from experience.
This is a very helpful advice for journal writing, which I first thought would not be as useful as it actually is.
When I personally think about a day in the past I do not fully recall what actually happened. I only realize it when I reflect back on it in my journal.
Writing my journal actually opened my eyes because I can learn so much from my days when I look back on them.

I found a really good quote from John Dewey in this context:


To sum up I would say that at first I was very confused about the Reader 2 - Reflective Practice but as I highlighted the most important things it became clearer and clearer.
The handbook taught me about different intelligences and learning styles, which I had not been aware of before.
One of the most important themes for me is 'Journal Writing' because I still learn so much from it and reflecting back on a day is extremely useful and helpful to me!

Reader 2 - Reflective Practice

Howard Gardner's life:

Sonntag, 15. November 2015

Task 2b: Journal Writing Experience

Initial Reflection
Graphs, Charts and Diagrams
What if?
Another view

Those are the different types of writing a journal.

At first I was not quite sure which will suit me best, but after trying all of them I came to the conclusion that three of them are the most suitable ones for me.

Graphs, Charts and Diagrams

The most fun one is to make either a diagram or a graph because I can make it as colourful as I want, which is the best way to remember things.
I am a visual learner so the more colours or pictures I have the easier it is for me to look back on it.

Writing a list about a day is also a really helpful idea because I can literally list all the things I saw or how I felt or what felt good doing on the day. If I want to get back to the list at some point it is very clear what I have written about and how my day was.

I also have days when I just want to write about my day in a kind of description.

Personally for me it is good to have different ways of writing into my journal, so I have a variety and I will not get bored of it.

All in all I think writing a journal is very useful for me because I can learn what I have experienced new during the day, what helped me and I can see how I reflect about my days.

Montag, 2. November 2015

Task 1d: 2d Images

When I was younger I definitely posted more pictures. Nowadays I only post pictures when I think it's an "important" occasion and my friends should see those images.
I usually post my pictures on Instagram AND Facebook, don't ask me why, but it's just a habbit. lol.

I honestly need to say that I never heard of "Flickr" before I read through the handbook, but I logged myself into it and I put a few images on there.
Most of them are dance pictures.. obviously! :-P But what is also very very important to me, is my family! And I'm very proud to have them, so I think I can 'show' them to you aswell. :-)
You can also find a few pictures from me and my dance partner Alina, I know her for so long now and I've done and experienced so much with her and one of our biggest success were the "World Championship" in Las Vegas in 2011.

Here is the link to my Flickr account:

I hope you like them!